Monday, November 9, 2009

Tour de Greater Homewood: Success!

81 bicyclists came out to enjoy a sunny, warm November day in Baltimore and ride in memory of Jack Yates on Sunday. The Tour de Greater Homewood was a great success thanks to the efforts of our local cycling community.

We thought we'd share a few highlights from the ride, including:
Here are some photos from the day:

Tour de Greater Homewood/Jack Yates Memorial Ride

Northern District police officers were on hand to engrave bikes with their owners' drivers license numbers -- a good idea to protect against theft!

Tour de Greater Homewood/Jack Yates Memorial Ride

A few words from Jack's family before the ride began.

Tour de Greater Homewood/Jack Yates Memorial Ride

They're off!

Tour de Greater Homewood/Jack Yates Memorial Ride

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