Hi, my name is Neil Davis and I am working here at Experience Corps for the summer. So far everything has been going well. I am now attending Lake Clifton High School and I am going into my junior year. I live around the Greenmount neighborhood. I like my neighborhood and have a lot to do around there. Sometimes in my spare time I like to play basketball. I am good at basketball, have played for recreation centers, and am trying out for my school’s basketball team next year so I can keep my skills in shape.
I also hope to take some of the skills I have learned over the summer back to school with me so I can use them over the year to become more successful. I am going into my last week here with Experience Corps – it has been fun and I will remember this place because it has taught me a lot of things. My birthday is August 2, and by the time my birthday comes I will be finished with the summer job. I like the experience that I had this year. This was my first summer job and I had a good time and I enjoyed it. I will always remember. Over this period of time I have done a lot of things, such as using a copy machine, filing papers, and packing and moving boxes. I also have been answering phone calls and using the computer.
I appreciate everyone for helping me and for their advice. I think that I might take up another summer job again sometime in the future or at least tell people about it and maybe they will try it. My mother really got on me to get a summer job because at first I did not want to do it, but I am glad I did it because it was better than I thought it was going to be.
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