Written by the students in Youth Dreamer Project Class 2009
We’re the Youth Dreamers
We are a 501(c) 3,
We want to decrease the amount of violence
among youth in our community.
We are creating
a youth-run youth center,
open after school
all are welcome to enter.
We have a Board of Directors
and lots of friends,
that help us with our dream
and support us till the end.
There’s a whole lot
to our history,
we started in 2001
with $70,000 from Senator Mikulski.
We bought a house
and went through zoning,
we worked with an architect
who turned our dream into a drawing.
Now we’re in construction
and running programs after school,
it’s 2009
and soon our youth center will rule!
You’d be amazed
at what we’ve done
this year in Project Class
and it was fun!
We’ve been to My Sister’s Place
Shepherd’s Clinic, too,
had two huge service days
just to name a few.
Our after school programs
Modeling, Community Art,
Homework Club and Health Club
and that’s just to start!
From State Farm we got a grant
to fund our first real year,
we wrote it all together
It’s time to cheer!
This means a whole lot
for us and our community,
our youth center
will soon hold the key…
People will come
to work, play, and be,
to learn leadership skills
and more about the community.
We are so excited
to extend the YD’s history,
by moving into this house
it’s a brighter future for you and me!
We hope for our first year
to be busy and have fun,
with teenage employees
getting all the work done.
Adults volunteering and teaching
different classes going on,
playing on our new playground
and memberships lasting long.
We are having a Housewarming Party
and all are welcome to come,
On May 30th this year
to learn about us and have fun!
The Stadium School Youth Dreamers are a group of students in sixth grade through college who decided in 2001 that they wanted to open a youth-run youth center. They celebrate their success on May 30, 2009, with a housewarming party.